Go Forth Stirling is providing the city’s traders with a £90K cash injection to transform their shopfronts.

Following approval of funding from Stirling Council, grants of up to £5K each are available to business owners with ambitious plans to revamp their shop entrances and enhance Stirling’s overall appearance.

Any Stirling city centre business can apply for the funding which has been secured by Go Forth Stirling BID from the Council’s Place Based Investment Programme.

Applications for the ‘supercharged’ shopfront grant scheme will be assessed by the Go Forth team and successful businesses will receive their funding later this year.

A total of £70K in funding has been provided by the Place Based programme with a further £20K invested by the BID (Business Improvement District).

Jitka Fleglova, Community Engagement Manager, at Go Forth Stirling, said: “We are delighted to secure this external funding for city centre BID businesses to improve their shopfronts. Shop entrances make a significant contribution to the vitality and distinctiveness of Stirling and contribute to a sense of place.

The variety of traditional retail units and historic shopfronts we have adds interest and local distinctiveness, attracts tourism and is part of the city’s USP. We aim to support the regeneration of Stirling’s conservation area through our new ‘supercharged’ shopfront scheme which will not only help business owners but also provide a better environment and experience for visitors.”

Any business owner interested in applying for a grant can get in touch to express their interest by emailing admin@goforthstirling.co.uk or find the application form via the Go Forth website.

Ms Fleglova added: “We are looking for applications which will have a real impact on the city’s streetscape – previous shopfront grants, for example, have led to the restoration of marble and granite around shop entrances which have enriched the buildings involved as well as Stirling’s reputation for history and heritage.

We welcome all ideas and applications and each will be assessed on what will work for the city and how the finished project will improve Stirling’s overall look and appearance.”

Go Forth Stirling already has a limited shopfront grant scheme in place, introduced in 2019, which has helped a wide range of businesses upgrade their look via a £500 match-funded grant.

And two years ago the BID was able to expand this initiative, following a similar allocation of Place Based funding, and facilitate some striking transformations.

Highlights included the renovation of King Street’s Greek family restaurant Café Aina with a fresh look which included restored marble signage plus a completely new and improved shopfront for the Fone Express store in Upper Craigs.

Meanwhile, the 17th century Pend (lane) – which leads to The Pend Café Deli & Bistro and Frances Hunter Hair and Beauty – was refurbished with the archway’s original stonework restored and the introduction of new lighting and planters.

In total, 70 businesses have benefitted from the two schemes over the past four years.

The Place Based Investment Programme, financed by the Scottish Government,  opened to applications earlier this year for capital projects which support local area regeneration, community development and economic growth.

Stirling Council leader, Cllr Chris Kane, said: “This year marks the 900th anniversary of Stirling becoming a Royal Burgh and investment in our city centre and shop front improvements will help show Stirling in its best light to residents and visitors as we prepare to embark on a programme of exciting events to mark this milestone.

All the projects identified for funding through the Place Based Investment Programme will make a real difference to our communities and deliver significant regeneration.

They have been shaped by our communities and, just as importantly, will be delivered by them. This underpins the aims of Stirling’s economic strategy – to enable opportunities for all, to be sustainable and inclusive and to help local communities and businesses thrive.”

Applicants for the shopfront grant scheme must consider conservation area requirements and Go Forth will consult with Stirling Council planning officials prior to making any award.

More details and an application form are available here – www.goforthstirling.co.uk/business-grants/  – and applications should be submitted by Monday 12th February.  

Go Forth Stirling BID was set up in 2017 and currently represents more than 600 local businesses with a key objective of delivering projects and services which improve Stirling’s trading environment to benefit businesses, shoppers and visitors.

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